Friday, 19 April 2013

Pantry Magic x Pixie Dust

Hellllooo job seekers!! Got good news for you!!
You know how I always advertise for new websites for you to shop at? I mean, it's really good to always shop around and indulge in retail therapy but I'm pretty sure you'll need lotsa lotsa lotsa money to do that yes?!

soooo now I'm gonna be introducing a fun and fancy way that you can start earning some moolahs to upkeep your everlasting shopping list!!

Here's none other than the gorgeous and prettiest household brand

Pantry Magic was founded by a french trained chef and it has since expanded till date.
They have cook books, pretty cake decorations, fanciful pots and pans, exquisite baking hardware and many many more!!

When I resided at Holland Village, that was when I first saw Pantry Magic and really it totally lived up to it's name. It was a land of glitter and magic. Everything was so one of a kind and I was mind blown. I remembered feeling like a little kid running around and exploring all the different cook books and playing with the mixers and spatulas. Soooo cool!! Won't it be great to be looking at all these beautiful things?!

Do you wanna work at a place like that?! Cos if I had any more time on hand, I definitely would!! Looking at such colourful things makes me so happy!! Drives the grey clouds in my head away~ know I introduced bitesizemonster the waffle booth at pasar bella before yes? Pantry Magic will also be there as well and that's exactly where you'll be working at!! They are looking for friendly, cheerful and outgoing individuals to join them!!

Full timers and part timers are all welcomed!!

and if you're wondering what Pixie Dust (rice) is about, it is another brand similar to Pantry Magic that offers cooking materials for kids!! Yes yes yes!! now both mother and daughter can start cooking together!!

That's basically it!! My recommendation to a fun way to starting earning some money for your pocket!!

For more enquiries on working rates and working hours send them to or you can give Alsie a ring/text at 83502669

Go sign up for this awesome job now!!

See you there!! Like literally when I drop by pasar bella I'll get to see you!! whee


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