So, let's not pretend that there is a million readers on my blog.. well not just yet. I'm guessing I'm the only one reading this. *sniggles* Anyhow this post is dedicated to my dogs, Kimchi and Tattoo and I believe it will serve as a snippet of my past when I read back on my archives in future. I can never and I mean never get enough of them. I adopted Tattoo from the SPCA back in 2006? so we had him for 6 years. Our initial plan was to see if any golden retriever was up for adoption but to my disappointment it will be a no everytime. then on one of the visits, we saw Tattoo. It was his first day out of the back area and he was ready for adoption. He hadn't even sat in his cage before we booked him. It was as if my parents had some love-at-first-sight crush on him. Both of them said "look at that dog!" in sync but at that point of time, I only had a golden retriever in mind.. thank god Tattoo can't read, else he'll be so upset. But seeing my parents' reaction towards Tattoo I gave him a second look. He was scrawny and fragile looking. Very anorexic if that's what is more relatable. After discussion and my parents' eagerness to adopt him, well I gave in and decided to open up to him. I thank god for him. I really do. So so so so much. Then shortly after, we decided to go over to SPCA again to see if there was any golden retriever up for adoption nevergiveup. We found my second dog ok not really the second dog. but second dog after Tattoo. <I have had 3 other dogs before Tattoo> Anyway, the golden retriever was called Prince. He was a charming boy but a very mischievous one. He was the total opposite of Tattoo. Tattoo was the quietest dog ever, we even thought he was mute. No he isn't. Haha. Prince on the other hand.. holy shit. You need ear plugs. Gotta admit, I showered more attention and love on Prince since he was my "dream breed". But my mother and him were loggerheads. So anyway, we'll fast forward, Prince escaped out of my house one raining day and the person who found him called SPCA. They brought him back and my mother went to SPCA wanting to collect him back but Prince ignored my mother and so she decided that she couldn't connect with him and left him up for adoption. It's sad. It was really devastating. But I'd like to think that everything happens for a reason. So I accepted it. So after Prince, Tattoo remained the only dog we had for 5 years. And in between we bought a little bird and adopted a little bunny.. who both kicked the bucket. Oh, I forgot to mention too, we adopted two tortoises too. They came in before Tattoo did. One of them just crawled to heaven last week and now we have a pond of kois too. Okok back to the story, so then here came Patches and Kimchi. They were also adopted from this korean family who were flying back to korea so they can't have the dogs with them. Patches and Kimchi are two worlds apart... Both cocker spaniel. Patches is the American cocker spaniel. Little K is the English cocker spaniel. If you counted, I would have three dogs. Yea I did, for a short period until my grandaunt decided to adopt Patches because she was in love with her so we gave it to her. Patches is a gentle and pretty baby girl. Little K is a tomboy. So now, I'm left with two dogs. And i can't thank god enough for giving me two of my bestfriends. Not forgetting my parents who are supportive in keeping pets. So hold on while I dig some pictures out...

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