Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Hi guys, I've been really really busy with adverts and school. My final submission is next week and after that I'm more or less free-er to do more interesting things and blog. I apologise for always flooding my blog with adverts after adverts these few days. It's like, it's just part of my job. I'm really sorry... don't give up on me please? Because Alex and I are planning something interesting to put up in this space but both of us are very much choked up with work and the datelines. We planned to do it yest but I had to run down to the hospital for a minor op on my eye and it took foreverrrrrr there. No it's not plastic/cosmetic surgery. It's just that my left eye had an infection and I had to get it fixed. Soooo yeapppp...

I have a few more ads coming up ok!! But hey! they are all really awesome shops and you can start getting ready your shopping list!!

On a lighter note...
there's this restaurant that serves grrrreat japanese food at bugis+

it's on the first level of bugis+ called yayoiken

I didn't take any photo of the food individually because I was toooooo fungry, it was my first meal of that day after three consecutive shoots...

see this boiphren, full concentration on food

and I'm like can we eat already....?

He ordered a set meal that has a combination of hamburger petties, wiener sausages and bacon. poor piglets haha

I got a set that has udon and beef and vegetables and mushrooms super yumz

and I also got for us a plate of fried squid... damn good?! like flipthetablekindofgood?!
Has like some smell and aroma of the sea. Idk it's just super fresh and juicy!!

that's about it all for this post!!

go if you're there ok!! super worth the try!! dayumyummmm


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