Friday, 10 May 2013

Style Toxic

Last day of the working week!! woohoo!! doesn't really affect me cos SCHOOL'S OUTZ!! hehe. So for all your working and schooling peeeeeepo, here's a webstore for you to celebrate on the coming weekends!!

Another webstore that I shot for and this collection is soooo easy to wear and convenient. If there was a fast food chain for apparels, this collection suits hits the target right there.

You must read on till the last part because there's something that if you miss out, you'll wanna run and crash against the brick wall...

Anw, first item I kept is the polka dot suspender dress in black
I don't know, I really can't get enough of polka dots nowadays.
Initialy, I only picked out two items and this wasn't in the stack then the owner said, You don't want thissss? Thought you like polka dots? She has done her homework man!! was super mind blown and impressed at that moment. Quite touched that people do remember what I like hahaha


Second item I picked out is a denim dungaree skirt

absolutely in love with the cutting of this piece because it's not too long nor too short for my height and the shade of denim matches with everything

the blue is over-blued in my photos
below is a reference of the true color!!

really super super super love everything about this dungaree skirt


Last item that caught my eye is the oversized NY tee dress
I changed into this the moment I was done with my shoot with them because I just couldn't resist not being in this
Alex said I'm like those black rapper, all that was missing was a gold chain round my neck hahaha

But really, this is sooooo comfy and easyyyyyyy definitely gonna wear this everywhere


I mentioned at the top you shouldn't miss the last part out right?

here it is!!

On a scale of 1 - 10 how insane is this?! I rate 11!!!!
$9.90 for two pieces of apparels?! cover head to toe. Omg too good too good

Follow the steps and you're very well on your way to this madly awesome deal
Like their facebook page, first step!! here

and head on to their website because they have just launched their new collection!!
fasten your pace there because you don't want to miss anything out!!

Lastly.....Quote CHLOECHOO06 to get complimentary normal postage!!


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